Freedom Fest
Festival Fields

Jul 3 2019, 4 pm - 10 pm
Jul 3 2019, 4 pm - 10 pm
Celebrate Independence Day with the Fort Rucker Freedom Fest on July 3! The Wiregrass is invited to Fort Rucker's Festival Fields on Wednesday, July 3 from 4 pm to 10 pm for an evening of celebration, food, activities, and fun! An annual tradition for over 20,000 people in the Wiregrass, this is the party of all parties and no party is complete without fireworks; one of the largest displays in the area. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs and blankets, kickback and revel in the show. Visit the kids' zone with inflatables and rides, while enjoying a variety of local and regional vendors and displays. The Army's MCoE Detachment Band will accompany the celebration with musical entertainment throughout the evening with a patriotic concert. Admission to the event is FREE and open to the public. No glass, coolers, backpacks, or pets are permitted. For more information, please call Fort Rucker Special Events at +1 (334) 255-1749.
Vendor Field
4-10 p.m. -- Food and craft vendors open.
4-10 p.m. -- Rides operation -- fees vary, some activities may close early.
Kids Fun Zone
4-9 p.m. -- Kids Confidence Course -- free.
4-9 p.m. -- Inflatable Fun World -- fees apply.
Main Stage Field
7 p.m. -- Opening remarks.
7 p.m. -- Historic and national colors posted, National Anthem.
7:10 p.m. -- Commanding general's welcome.
7:15-8 p.m. -- MCOE Band first set with Tribute to Gold Star Families.
8-8:10 p.m. -- Intermission.
8:10-9 p.m. -- MCOE Band second set.
9-9:30 p.m. -- Fireworks.
• Cell phone use is prohibited when operating a vehicle on post without the use of a hands-free device. Drivers must safely exit the roadway to a hard stand to use their cell phone if driving without a hands-free device.
• No coolers, tote bags, backpacks or containers are allowed on the grounds except for medical and baby care items.
• Fireworks of any kind are prohibited on post.
• Glass containers are prohibited at the event.
• Pets are not allowed due to safety concerns. All service dogs must be clearly marked on their harness or collar. If animals are not properly marked, owners will be asked to take their dog home.
• Weapons of any kind, including guns, knives, mace and pepper spray are prohibited.
• No roller blades, bicycles, skateboards or scooters are allowed at the event.
Unescorted visitors planning to attend Freedom Fest must obtain a visitor's badge from one of the visitor control centers, or be escorted on post by an authorized escort.
VCCs are located at the Daleville and Ozark gates. Operating hours for the Daleville VCC are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mondays through Sundays. Operating hours for the Ozark VCC are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.
To obtain a visitor's badge, people will need valid government-issued picture identification, such as a driver's license, state-issued ID, or passport. When accessing Fort Rucker, visitors must present a visitor's badge and a valid government-issued picture identification card in order to access Fort Rucker.
The current access policy permits anyone with a valid Common Access Card, retiree ID, military dependent ID, DA Form 1602 Civilian ID Card, or any other U.S. government-issued personal identity verification credential to access Fort Rucker without a visitor's badge.
Of these groups, only active-duty and retired U.S. service members and their dependents (18 and older), and DA civilians with a valid DOD-issued ID card may escort unvetted visitors. Those who escort visitors are vouching for their guests and must escort them everywhere while on-post.