An official army family and MWR Site

Fitness Centers


Fort Novosel Running Trails

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Dress Code Policy

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Fort Novosel Physical Fitness Centers Dress Code

  1. The Physical Fitness Centers require that all of our patrons adhere to a dress code policy for personal hygiene, health, and safety.
  2. Athletic clothing that covers front and back midsections and full chest are to be worn at all times. Clothing that leaves the lower back or undergarment exposed may not be worn in the Physical Fitness Centers.
  3. Clean closed toed/closed heeled athletic footwear is required at all times while working out. With the exception of military approved boots, the following footwear is not to be worn; sandals, flip flops, crocs or other non-military boots.
  4. With the exception of Soldiers working out in uniform, clothing which may cause damage to equipment may not be worn while working out. This means jeans, belts, keys or jewelry should not be worn as they may damage the equipment. If you're not sure please ask a fitness staff member.
  5. Revealing clothing (i.e. clothing that exposes midriff; back or front, the buttocks, any portion of under garments (or items designed to be worn as under garments and worn exposed) are not authorized while working out.
  6. Bicycle or compression pants/shorts, yoga pants, leotards, boy shorts and other garments which do not maintain appropriate modesty are not permitted. See through garments are not permitted. Fitness Center members reserve the right to ask for an extra layer of clothing to ensure modesty for all patrons.
  7. Any garment inscribed, printed with patches, slogans, words, pictures, symbols or print, which may be interpreted to be profane, offensive, supremacist, racist, sexually suggestive, obscene or supportive of, or oriented to advocate alcohol or any other illegal activity derogatory towards any ethnicity, religious group, military service, the flag or symbol of any nation is prohibited.
  8. Fitness center staff members reserve the right to ask any patron to abide by the fitness center rules and regulations. If a patron fails to follow the guidelines their privilege may be revoked.


Group Fitness Classes


NEW Class Fees

$4.00 per class


Personal Training

We have personal trainers and a nutritionist to help you reach your fitness goals. We offer consultations and individual or group sessions. For more information, contact the Fitness Facility Manager or call 334-255-2296

Fort Novosel Physical Fitness Center (PFC)

The Fort Novosel Physical Fitness Center (PFC) is a sixty-four thousand square foot facility with the following features:

  • Treadmills
  • Concept2 Rowers
  • LifeFitness Equipment
  • Free-Weights
  • Dumbbell Area
  • Hammer Strength Equipment
  • A Racquetball Court
  • Two NEW Functional Fitness Rooms
  • 25-Meter Indoor Pool
  • Outdoor Multi-Purpose Fields
  • Quarter-Mile Track
  • Eighteen Hole Disc Golf Course
  • Functional Fitness Equipment
  • NEW Woodway treadmills
Mountain Bike Rental

Two hours rental: $10

Entire day rental (from checkout time until the PFC closes): $20

Warrior Adventure Quest Mountain Biking Trails

& Bicycle Issue Program

  • Authorized Patrons:
1. Authorized patrons of the mountain bike issue program include active-duty Soldiers and their dependents and sponsored guest, Retirees and their dependents and sponsored guest, DoD Civilians, and DoD Contractors.
2. Patrons must be 19 years of age to be issued equipment and sign the release and hold harmless.
  • Bike Issue Program:
1. Mountain Bikes are available for issue at the Fort Novosel Physical Fitness Center on Andrews Avenue.
2. Regardless of the opening and closing times, one day issue is considered any duration greater than two hours during facility operational hours.
3. Bicycles cannot be taken off of Fort Novosel.
4. Due to the potential for short-notice Warrior Adventure Quest excursions, bicycles cannot be issued for more than one day. (Bicycles primary purpose is to provide Warrior Adventure Quest programming for soldiers)
Fortenberry-Colton Physical Fitness Center (PFC)

FBC 24-7 Pass updated-01.jpgFBC 24-7 Pass updated-02.jpgFeatures:

  • Nautalis Selectorized Strength Equipment
  • LifeFitness Free Weights
  • Regulation Size Basketball Court
  • Spin Bikes
  • Fitness Rooms with Full Mirrors
  • 28-Foot Climbing Wall with Four Auto Belay and Manual Belay Systems
Intramural Sports

The Sports Branch of Sports, Fitness and Aquatics is dedicated to serving the needs of our patrons by providing a safe and professionally run Intramural Sports Program. We strive to offer a variety of sports that focus on fun, athleticism, and provide a sense of teamwork for the Soldiers and all authorized patrons. We currently offer Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Flag Football, Golf, and Bowling. This branch also provides information and support for the Varsity Sports Program and All Army Sports.


All Active Duty Military Personnel, Retired Military Personal, members of the ARNG and USAR with a Reserve ID Card, Spouse of Active Duty, DoD, APF and NAF Civilian Employees are eligible to participate. Contract Civilians will be allowed to participate and form a team. Players must be 19 years of age to participate, if less than 19 years of age they must be Active Duty or married to Active Duty. Dependents other than spouses are not eligible to participate.

For more information, call +1 334-255-2296/2671.

  • Men & Women’s Softball
  • Flag Football
  • Men & Women’s Volleyball
  • Men & Women’s Basketball

All coaches meetings will be held at the Fort Novosel Physical Fitness Center Conference Room.

Batting Cages


Hours of Operation: 
Monday - Friday: 8:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Saturday, Sunday, & Federal Holidays: 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.

$1 per token OR $10 per 12 tokens (Each token receives 20 pitches)
Team Rates: $20.00 per hour/stall with unlimited pitches. Team batting times need to be scheduled in advance through the Sports & Fitness Aquatics Department. For more information contact the Fitness Center, +1(334) 255-2296.

Rules & Regulations:
1.Batter MUST wear a helmet with face guard at all times.
2. Only one person in the batting cages at a time during play.
3. No switch hitting.
4. Batter must wear closed toe shoes. (No Baseball-Softball Cleats)
5. No person under the influence of drugs or alcohol is permitted to use the batting cages.
6. Alert the Fort Novosel PFC if balls are throwing out of the strike zone.
7. Balls may be pitched at any time. BE ALERT at all times.
8. No one under the age of 6 years old is permitted to use the batting cages.
9. An adult must accompany all batting cage players under the age of 16. 
10. No one under the age of 16 even if accompanied by an adult is allowed to use cages throwing the effective speed of 75-85 M.P.H.
11. Close gates at all times when entering or exiting the cages.
12. No practice swings outside of cages unless in designated areas.
13. Never pick up balls from ground. Do not throw balls back at pitching machines.
14. A liability waiver must be on file with the Fort Novosel PFC prior to entering the cages. 
15. CAUTION! Injures could result from the use of this device. Users should assume the inherent risks of batting baseballs and softballs. If users have any questions about the use of this device or the inherent risks associated with the use of this device, ask the Fort Novosel PFC before using the batting cages.

Upcoming Races and Tournaments

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Registration Forms
  • Fitness Centers
  • Open to authorized patrons ONLY.
  • Hours:
    PFC & FBC
    Federal Holidays
    Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day

More Recreation



Earn a FREE CPR Certification! 20 SLOTS available Registration Deadline is MARCH 25TH!

Mar 28 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Underwater Egg Hunt 2025

Bring your swimsuits & baskets. Dive in for an egg-citing egg hunt. After the hunt, trade in eggs for treats and take a picture with the Easter Bunny Register at PFC Same Day Registration Available Free Event for authorized patrons and their guests

Apr 5 2 pm - 4 pm

Aviation Branch Golf Tournament

Registration at SWGC Pro Shop until Sunday March 31st Members $70 Non-Members $80 Prizes awarded for closest to the line & closest to the pin. Prizes based on number of teams playing.

Apr 12 6 am - 4:30 pm

Easter Sunday Funday 2025

Hop into the Flightline where every child can receive an Easter treat bag! Enjoy our coloring table with fun Easter bowling graphics for your littles to decorate and display in our facility! While supplies last Open to the Public

Apr 20 11 am - 7 pm

"Purple Up" Day

In honor of Month of the Military Child the Flightline is doing "Purple Up" Day!

Every child who wears purple will receive 2 FREE games!
Every adult who wears purple will receive 1 FREE game!

Registered for KBF? Receive a FREE shoe rental for "Purple Up" Day

Register for kids bowl free (KBF)

  • Kids 15 and below
  • Daily in the Summer

Family package available for a one-time season price!

Apr 23

"Purple Up" Day

In honor of Month of the Military Child the Flightline is doing "Purple Up" Day!

Every child who wears purple will receive 2 FREE games!
Every adult who wears purple will receive 1 FREE game!

Registered for KBF? Receive a FREE shoe rental for "Purple Up" Day

Register for kids bowl free (KBF)

  • Kids 15 and below
  • Daily in the Summer

Family package available for a one-time season price!

Apr 23