An official army family and MWR Site

CYS Services

Welcome to CYS

Child and Youth Services (CYS) provides programs and services for children of eligible military and civilian families. Within CYS you will find something to meet your children’s needs, including:

  • Full, part time or hourly child care
  • Before/after school care
  • Camps
  • Programs for your middle school and teen youth
  • Instructional classes
  • Workforce preparation opportunities
  • Sports and fitness activities 

Today’s CYS programs, deemed a "model for the nation" by Presidential acclaim, continue to operate on these cornerstones:

  • Quality – Child care is DoD-certified and nationally accredited
  • Availability – Child care is available on- and off-post
  • Affordability – Fees for various programs are competitively priced and affordable regardless of sponsor's income
  • Accountability - To safeguard the Army's resources by efficient management oversight, good fiscal stewardship, reducing waste and protecting assets of programs and services to Soldiers and their Families.

Families at Fort Novosel have access to a new Department of Defense (DoD) website designed to simplify and improve the child care request for care process. (MCC) provides a single online gateway for families to access military-operated or military-subsidized child care options worldwide across all Services. The site enables families to create a household profile, conduct child care searches, submit requests for care, and manage their requests at any time and from any location.

The new DoD site – which is being introduced worldwide in phases – offers a more streamlined approach to finding and requesting care, expedites placement through a standardized request process and wait-list management tools, and provides reports that help programs better plan for future placement needs.

Through, eligible families can search and request care for full day and part day options in facility-based and home-based programs for children from birth through age 12. Families may remain on a preferred program’s waitlist even after being offered care or enrolling in another program.

Families at Fort Novosel who are currently on wait-lists will be automatically transitioned to the new web-based system. These families will retain the original date of their request(s) for care, and all program enrollment processes will remain the same. Renewal for the wait-list is done every 30 days through MCC.

For additional information, go to or contact the Help Desk by calling the toll free number, +1 (855)696-2934 or emailing 

Watch a video explaining how MCC works.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Parent Participation is greatly appreciated at Fort Novosel Child and Youth Services. If you would like more information on how you can participate within our program, please call +1 (334)255-9638.

The Parent Advisory Council is chaired by a parent, meets quarterly, and provides an opportunity for parents to meet and discuss ways to enhance Child and Youth Programs. The board, with the advice of the program staff are responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation of the Parent Participation Program. 

The Group coordinates the Parent Participation Program with the Child Development Program (CDP) staff to ensure parents are involved in CDP planning and evaluation.

The Parent Participation Program is a planned group of activities and projects established by the Parent Group to encourage parents to volunteer in CDPs, including special events and activities (such as field trips, holiday events, and special curriculum programs), small group activities, special projects (such as playground improvement, procurement of equipment, and administrative aid). The Parent Participation Program allows for a fee reduction on child care for parent participation.

More Child & Youth Services


Youth Center Spring Break Camp

Activities Planned
Fun Games, Arts & Crafts, Cooking, Technology, Sports, & More!

Field Trips Planned
Camp Butter and Egg & Movies

Must have 10 signed up for the Field Trip!

Mar 24 7 am - 1 pm

Youth Center Spring Break Camp

Activities Planned
Fun Games, Arts & Crafts, Cooking, Technology, Sports, & More!

Field Trips Planned
Camp Butter and Egg & Movies

Must have 10 signed up for the Field Trip!

Mar 24 7 am - 1 pm

Character Counts Survivor Spring Break

Field Trips, Events, and Activities! Ultimate Team Survivor Relay Paint Handprints on Sgt. Ted E. Bear and Plant Pinwheels around him

Mar 24 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Teen Babysitter's Course

Ages: 13-18 Youth Sports and Fitness Bldg. 8950 7th Ave Cost: $30 A valid registration is required 10 spots available Permission forms must be signed by a parent for Child Abuse Prevention Training and Release forms for youth to be place on CYS Babysitter's List Youth must bring snack & lunch Register by March 25th,2025 Note: Youth must complete the one-day training to receive certification

Mar 26 8:30 am - 3:30 pm